Integra serial communication protocol
Integra serial communication protocol

integra serial communication protocol integra serial communication protocol

Supported, as shown from Figure 45 to Figure 47. Single byte or multibyte reads/writes are 4-Wire SPI Connection Diagram proper I2C operation. External pul -up resistors, RP, are necessary for Figure 37. If other devices are connected to the same I2C bus, the nominalĠ37 operating voltage level of these other devices cannot exceed VDDI/O 15430- by more than 0.3 V. I2C Connection Diagram (ADX元72 Device ID = 0x53)

integra serial communication protocol

Ignore data transmitted from the ADX元72 to the master deviceįigure 38. Multibyte read and write commands are shown in Figure 42 and Figure 43, respectively. The read and write register commands support samples or additional noise. The command structure for the read output data rate above the recommended maximum can result register and write register are shown in Figure 40 and Figure 41, in undesirable effect on the acceleration data, including missing respectively. For example, using I2C successful communication, follow the logic thresholds and timing at 100 kHz limits the maximum ODR to 200 Hz. For a change in the I2C communication speed. Wire the data rate when using 400 kHz I2C is 800 Hz and scales linearly with ADX元72 for SPI communication as shown in Figure 37. The Due to communication speed limitations, the maximum output ADX元72 supports a SCLK frequency up to 10 MHz. The timing scheme is as follows: CPHA = CPOL = 0. SCLK be connected to ground when communicating to the ADX元72 using the I2C. It is a requirement that no configuration control to select the format. It autodetects the format being used, requiring pins if left floating or unconnected. There are no internal pul -up or pul -down resistors for any unused The ADX元72 is designed to communicate in either the SPI or pins therefore, there is no known state or default state for the the I2C protocol. Link to page 27 link to page 28 link to page 29 link to page 29 link to page 29 link to page 29 link to page 30 link to page 30 link to page 30ĪDX元72 Data Sheet SERIAL COMMUNICATIONS SERIAL INTERFACE

Integra serial communication protocol